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Polyester Sound Baffle
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Polyester Sound Baffle

Ko ljudje poliestrsko zvočno pregrado vgradijo v notranjost stavbe, ni treba obdelati le sten, temveč tudi strop.

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Opis izdelka

1. Predstavitev izdelka poliestrske zvočne pregrade

When people do the acoustic treatment to the inside a building, not only the walls need to be treated, but also the ceiling. Many materials can be used for the acoustic ceiling, such as mineral wool ceiling, fiberglass ceiling, wood ceiling, fiberglass ceiling. And they can also be in different forms, mostly in horizontal direction. In recently years, polyester sound baffle is getting more and more popular.



2. Specifikacija poliestrske zvočne pregrade


Polyester Fiber


9mm  12mm


Within 1220x2420mm


1,2-2 kg / m2




Flame retardant and Acoustic


3. Značilnosti poliestrske zvočne pregrade

Decorative: The baffles can be in different shapes and colors

Flame-retardant: ASTM E84 Testing Class A Grade

Sound absorption and reverberation reduce

Easy to install

Okolju prijazen razred E0

Na voljo so različne velikosti

4. Uporabe poliestrske zvočne lopute

The sound baffle is the ideal panel to be used in public place, especially for those places that have high ceiling. For example, Cinema, theater, healthcare center, shopping malls, clubs, education room, stadium, canteens, leisure center. It can reduce the sound reverberation and make the sound more clear

5. The Advantage of Qdboss Acoustic Polyester Sound Baffle

Qdboss Acoustic has the patent technology to make the polyester fiber panel flame retardant during production. That’s to say, our panel is flame retardant after production. The performance is as good as the panel made of FR fibers, while the cost is half. Unlike the old socking method, we can arrange the shipment as soon as the production finished. More environment friendly, no smell, not sticker or wet on the surface. We also have the cutting machine to make different shapes of baffle, to make more possibilities.


6. Qualification of Polyester Sound Baffle

Imamo 7 sodobnih delavnic in proizvodno linijo s patentno tehnologijo za izdelavo stabilnih izdelkov. Qdboss proizvaja ognjevarno poliestrsko zvočno pregrado, zvočno ploščo, prevlečeno s steklenimi vlakni, in zvočni strop iz steklenih vlaken.

Hot Tags: Poliestrska zvočna pregrada, proizvajalci, dobavitelji, trgovina na debelo, nakup, tovarna, po meri, Kitajska, izdelano na Kitajskem, poceni, popust, nizka cena, nakup popusta, cena, ponudba, CE

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