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Akustične plošče po meri
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Akustične plošče po meri

Custom acoustic panels is the polyester fiber panel, is also called polyester fiber decorative sound-absorbing panel, it is made of non-combustible, microporous treated special polyester fiber.

Pošlji povpraševanje

Opis izdelka

1. Predstavitev izdelka po meri akustičnih plošč

Custom acoustic panels is the polyester fiber panel, is also called polyester fiber decorative sound-absorbing panel, it is made of non-combustible, microporous treated special polyester fiber. There are a variety of colors and patterns of decorative cloth to choose from. As an acoustic material that has been widely used all over the world, it Proven to have excellent sound absorption properties

2. Specifikacija zvočnih plošč po meri


Poliestrska vlakna


9mm 12mm




1,2-2 kg / m2




Flame retardant and Acoustic


3. Značilnosti zvočnih plošč po meri

Decorative: the panel can be cut to different size and shape by CNC Cutting Machine

Flame-retardant: ASTM E84 Testing Class A Grade

Sound absorption: NRC0.7-0.95 with different air gap

Impact resistance, easy to clear, durable, thermal insulation, recycled material and Eco- friendly. It is an ideal replacement for the traditional fiberglass acoustic panel

4. Uporabe zvočnih plošč po meri

Področja, ki se uporabljajo: Uporablja se na različnih krajih za dekoracijo na visoki in srednji ravni, ki zahtevajo kakovostno oblikovanje zvoka: hoteli, restavracije, pisarne, kinodvorane, gledališča, stadioni, snemalni studiji, studii, konferenčne dvorane, plesne dvorane, telovadnice, menjalnice, poslovne dvorane, karaoke Dvorana, balinišče, jezikovna soba, dvorana za vaje, bolnišnica, knjižnica, čakalnica postaje, restavracija


5 Zakaj izbrati akustične plošče Qdboss Acoustic Custom

1. Qdboss has ten years production experience for acoustic panels

2. We have thousands of projects to prove our good quality and service, especially in the cinema industry, Top 10 cinemas chains are using our cinema acoustic panel

3. 7 delavnic in izkušeni delavci, ki zagotavljajo hitro in proizvodnjo ter dostavo

4. 24/7 na voljo za vsa vprašanja o akustični plošči

5. Full set of SGS testing report available for fire, thermal resistance, formaldehyde release

6. Qdboss je dobavitelj več znanih blagovnih znamk doma in v tujini


6 Kako namestiti zvočne plošče po meri

1. Before construction, you need to pay attention to the problem of board selection and layout, and you need to pay special attention to the slight color difference. On the side of the paste, find the center and draw the cross line, and the way of scheduling is Similar to the way of laying bricks. However, it should be noted that during the entire process, you need to wear gloves for construction to avoid pollution.


2. When cutting the board, a steel ruler and a utility knife are usually used to better cut and modify the board. If it is necessary to reduce the seam, the blade needs to be inclined by 0.5~1mm, which can effectively reduce the gap.


3. Pri lepljenju lahko uporabite bel lateks ali neobdelano večnamensko lepilo, da se lahko učinkoviteje drži cementa ali lesa, uporaba pa bo trajala dlje

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